Soil Profile Logging

Drillology Geotechnical Drilling Services


Sunshine train station

New equipment for the the railway station at Sunshine

Parkdale Yacht Club

Geotechnical drilling for new foundations with a shallow water table.

Ford Park upgrade

Redevelopment of Ford Park using co vid 19 protocals inplace during drillng in a high pedestrian traffic area.

Grices Road pavement investigation

Pavement investigation with SPT’s and bulk CBR samples. Soft soils with shallow watertable.

South Yarra double basement

Preliminary deep drilling investigation with SPT’s and well installation for double basement with linited access.

Tens of thousands of tests throughout Melbourne

Thousands of sites tested and hundreds of basement investigation all on record and accessible at the click of a button.

High frequency factory equipment

Difficult engineering problem requiring very accurate geotechnical information.

Telecommunication towers

Failed telecommincations tower at Phillip Island needed replacement with detailed bearing capacity information.

Commercial extension

Commercial site near Tullamarine Airport proposing an extension. Service location was vital for a smooth job.

Landslip investigation

Slope stability failure in South Gippsland. Identifying the difference between colluvium and insitu soil was very important.

Ballarat sand quarry extension

Numerous holes to track the sand mass underground so the owner could economically extend the quarry into the right areas.

Maffra Solar Farm

Five day job for interstate engineering company for Proposed Maffra Solar Farm Project. We supplied all thier drilling needs so they only need to be on site for one day.

Brunswick electrical substation

Strict safety requirements with the drilling rig being grounded the whole time on site.Deep drilling with SPT’s and sampling